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  If we look carefully, we will see that we are surrounded by the gifts of talented people.  These are the people who make life happen nicer.

  In mid-November the St. Matthew Anglican Church Women heard guest Jada Onigbinde share about her work. Jada is the Senior's Community Connector for Archway Community Services, a position that supports the many seniors living on their own. Jada is one of those talented people making life better for others. She mentioned that she was trying to get a Christmas gift bag ready for each of her clients, but she was pushed for time. Our ACW members said, "No problem!  We will do up the bags for you." Two weeks later the bags were filled and delivered.

  Jada had also mentioned that she was hoping to hold a lunch for 16 of her clients before Christmas. Our talented ACW members, led by President Margaret Stocel, said, "No problem! We will arrange a lunch in the Fireside Room for your group." And they did. 

  The tables were set with care; the best china was brought out; the sandwiches and sweets were arranged with care; the room was made ready for the appointed day of Wednesday, 8 December, 12 noon, or perhaps it was 12:30pm. The guests arrived and shared in food and refreshing conversations, even good fun. The guests were very pleased, so much so that they even helped put things away after the event.

  Life does happen nicer if we look around and respond in little helpful ways.  The work of the ACW putting on a lunch was not work at all, it was a pleasure. Jada's thankyou note a few days later expressed warm appreciation to the ACW and wished all the people of St. Matthew Parish a very Merry Christmas. 


Thank you ACW for your talents.


Rev. Art Turbull