Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you still soporific after your Thanksgiving festivities! Denise and I didn't have our young adults in the house so we invited colleagues and friends and ended up having a great time although I ate way too much!
In the last couple of weeks, I've had several interesting and enlightening conversations with folks who've not had much experience with the Anglican tradition but are finding it to be a renewing resource in their lives now that they are connecting to it. I guess what that tells me is that the beauty of the Great Tradition as that comes to fruition in Anglican Liturgy and, for lack of a better phrase, the Anglican way of being in the world, is still helpful and attractive to people if it is made known. One of our common tasks/privileges in the next while is to share our way of being without apology when people ask us about our "approach" to understanding/experiencing God. Of course, in typically Anglican fashion, we do so, not from a sense of superiority, but from a position of people who are surprised by the gifts we have to share. My prayer for you is that you will find, this fall, that your connection to our parish and our common prayer is renewed.
As we move into the fall season we are evaluating/tweaking several things we are doing at St. M. In this issue of our update I highlight three areas.
Music - In two words we are hoping to increase participation with a diversity of singers, musical instruments and new focus on creating "blended worship" that draws from the best music used by Anglicans across the country and not just music from our wonderful hymn book, Common Praise. If you're interested please chat with me (Fr. Allen) about this.
Our Online Presence - Our live stream service is something that doesn't quite capture who we are as a community. We are looking at ways to offer live streaming to our shut-ins or people who have to stay home for a Sunday but not offer it as our "public face." We're trying to figure out how to best present ourselves to our wider community so that the vibrancy, openness, and participatory nature of who we are shines through. Please chat with me about this.
Lay Administrators needed - We would like our communion time to run in a hospitable manner. To do that we need two people most Sundays who are willing to share the chalice with the parishioners. If you would like to be added to the Lay Administrators please connect with the office and/or Fr. Allen.
Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, Allen+
Photos of Thanksgiving altar decor by Linda Burton. We are truly grateful to the Altar Guild for their beautiful work!
And heartful thanks to the volunteers who participated in the Thanksgiving service, including organization of the foodbank delivery afterwards.