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April 23rd, St George's Day, (also the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death), saw the Anglican Church Women's diocesan-wide meeting and Eucharist at St John's Shaughnessey in Vancouver.

Six St Matthew's participants shared food, conversation, prayer, business decisions, and worship in the very pleasant surroundings of the garden, lounge, and interior of this landmark church where the synod offices are now also located.

Highlighted by Melanie Delva's accounts of the unexpected stories of an archivist (not 'anarchist', as she sometimes needs to explain) and culminating in the Eucharist presided over by Bishop Melissa, the meeting reaffirmed present diocesan ACW board members, chaplain (Rev Sue Foley-Currie), and newly-elected board members, of which, as "Member-at-Large", is our own Margaret Strocel. Bishop Melissa gathered them during the service for their installation, commissioning and blessing.

We were pleased that a project that Darryle Eaton has been instrumental in gathering information for -- a Yukon School Food Program -- is one of the proposed 2016-17 outreach efforts to be funded by the diocesan ACW outreach fund.

Linda Burton (whose father was a church organist at St George's, Port Arthur) seemed most struck by the patterned socks on Michael Dirk, the talented organist making full use of all the pedals of the pipe organ.