Welcome to Pt 1 of the Summer Series for 2020: Keeping It Real! A 10 part series on the Hebrew Book, Ecclesiastes. In this series Fr. Allen seeks to unpack the message of this ignored, feared, and controversial book by bringing it into dialogue with sections of Jesus' teaching and by looking at how it might prove helpful to us in the midst of this strange time. In Pt 1, Fr. Allen introduces the book, it's literary trick, it's focus on one crucial Hebrew word and how, right up front, it's author wants us to face the reality that life is like "a mere breath." By giving us the "bad news" first, Ecclesiastes helps us to face the true context of all our thoughts, actions and feelings, whether we're presently experiencing isolation because of Covid-19, speaking out on the streets that "Black Lives Matter," or going about the banal or exciting routines of life.