A safe place for everyone.

The Parish of St. Matthew is an inclusive Christian community of the Anglican Church of Canada located in the beautiful city of Abbotsford.

We are a community embracing transformation in a safe and welcoming environment. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at St. Matthew.

Each week, many of us gather for Bible studies, worship, faith formation, mutual encouragement, and connection.

Come and worship with us in person every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m.


New to St. Matthew?

Here are some frequently asked questions.
Holy Eucharist is the central act of Christian worship in which Christians meet God's presence, understand God's character, and find inspiration to better cooperate with God's will.  If you would have asked Christians anytime before 1000 AD "Where is Christ's Presence?" there would have been a unanimous reply, "We know the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist."  This means that Christ's presence is made real through the gathered congregation before it can be real individually.  It is as we experience Christ communally that we are able to find our place in God's world individually.
This is why, along with Holy Baptism, Holy Eucharist is a Sacrament.  A Sacrament is an action that looks like a "merely symbolic"  ritual performed by the gathered community but it actually is an action by which and through which God acts graciously so that we encounter God's Presence in a way that allows us to fulfill our purpose and destiny.
Eucharist is the Greek word for thanksgiving; it is named "Thanksgiving (Eucharist)" because the Priest always invites those gathered to "give our thanks to the Lord our God." "Thanks" is something that happens when we are given a gift, in this case, the supreme gift of God's presence.  Within the context of Jesus' command to "remember him" by "doing this until he comes" we are conscious that the gift that is constantly renewed in the Eucharist is God, through Christ, giving us all we need to live toward' and into God's will to make the world and all who live in it: whole, free and good.
We love having children in our service!
They are valued and precious members of our community who are encouraged to experience the rhythm of prayer and worship along with us.  Most Sundays an innovative and engaging children's program is offered for young, school-aged children and there is always a parent's room available if needed.
No matter where you are in your journey, you have a place in our community. 
So, no!  You do not have to be Anglican.  
St. Matthew is a community in which there is no expectation that people be "at a certain place" in their spiritual journey or understanding of God.  Sometimes people "check us out" because they're looking to have their children baptized, they're considering marriage, or they're troubled by an issue that they simply need to talk to someone about.  We welcome such inquiries with no strings attached.  In the course of conversation, people will come to understand what decision or path is best for them.  Simply call the office to set up an appointment. 

Meet Our Team

James Hwang
  • Rector
Tyler Evans
  • Rector’s Warden
Trish Martin
  • People's Warden
Dick Martin
  • Synod Delegate
Kerri Onken
  • Treasurer / Associate Warden
Dick Lee
  • Secretary, Synod Delegate
Trevor Smale
  • Alternate Synod Delegate
Kim Cruson
  • Alternate Synod Delegate
Kathy Campbell
  • Member at large
Ike Ezema
  • Member at large