Dear Friends,
What does Advent mean to you? Personally, I love it; it's one of my favourite times of the year. Advent reflects the perspective offered to us in the Hebrew Scriptures in which we learn that first there was chaos, then order (this in Genesis 1). We learn that Sabbath rest begins after the sun goes down on the sixth day. The Sabbath is the first thing called holy by God and begins in darkness. And so, following on from this, at least in the Northern hemisphere in which Israel and then the Church crafted these perspectives, the year begins in darkness and moves towards the light of Christ's coming (adventus in Latin) and then the spreading light of the Epiphany season in which Christ's light begins to be known in the wider world.
One of the implications is that we are invited to value--even if it's not comfortable!--times of disequilibrium, times when things are not clear, with the trust that we actually need these times in order to creatively welcome "the new thing," the new perspective that can only dawn because we've recognized that God's creativity in the world begins in the same way!
Do you like Advent? What does it mean to you? I'd be interested in your responses and will include them in next week's update (anonymously if you'd like).
Here's an Advent opportunity offered by the national church: Advent meditations and discussions These meditations and discussions build on the traditional themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love and offer a way for us to link these powerful emotions and motivations to God's Mission in our contemporary context.
Nov 27th -- Advent begins!
Dec 4th -- Bishop John's visit to our parish! Bishop John will preach/preside at our service of Holy Eucharist at 11 am. Following the Eucharist, the parish will have an opportunity to eat together and fellowship with Bishop John. After lunch and fellowship, the Bishop will have a brief meeting with the parish council.
Dec 10th -- St. Nicholas makes an appearance! A time to for the children to hear and participate in the story that led to Santa Claus. There will an opportunity for crafts, food and fun. Please chat with Bonnie if you have an idea for a craft and to Rose if you can bring some food/Christmas goodies.
The Journey is the destination.