Dear Friends,
As we move deeper into the Advent season we are in the season of the "O Antiphons," a type of prayer each of which is based on one of the names given to God in the Hebrew Scriptures. Today's prayer is "O Emmanuel, our King and our lawgiver, the hope of the nations and their Saviour: Come and save us, O Lord our God." Cf. Isaiah 7:14. When applied to our world and time all we can say is Amen and Amen!
A big thanks Rose and other helps who prepared food and fellowship space for our St. Nicholas Fayre this past Saturday, your service was appreciated by myself and the people who came.
As we come to the close of the year I want to thank all volunteers, parish council members, and those who help out from time to time. Thanks to Bonnie for your work with the children of the parish; it means so much! Thanks to the ACW members for keeping the service fires burning, we appreciate your efforts. Thanks to Kathy for faithfully helping out with the bulletin week by week. And from the bottom of my heart, Thank you Tyler, Trish, and Kerri, you guys form an amazing Executive who week by week handles issues, finances, and work closely with me on the priorities of the parish.
This will be the last midweek update of 2022, we'll resume it in January.
Dec 24th, 6 pm -- Christmas Eve family Holy Eucharist
Dec 25th, 11 am -- Christmas Morning Holy Eucharist
Jan 1st, 11 am -- The Feast of Epiphany Holy Eucharist.
Denise and I wish all of you a very meaningful Christmas season and a Happy New Year! Allen+