Dear Friends,

Advent greetings to you all!  As you make your way through the winter darkness, and this year, winter isolation and possibly loneliness, I sincerely pray that you are finding ways to find hope and peace in your lives.  May God enable you to find strength, courage, and kindness at this time!
Advent Evensong: These services are taking place on Dec 6th, 13th, and 20th, and 5 pm.  Please follow the links on our website to register.  The first service went very well!
Christmas Eve:  "In this year unlike any other, we are celebrating the birth unlike any other in a unique way: with a Live Stream service!  At 7:00 p.m. on December 24th, we will gather in our homes in anticipation of Christ's birth.  Our service will feature carols, a children's talk, an uplifting Christmas sermon, and the celebration of the Eucharist.  Though we are apart, we can still celebrate Christmas together!" 
Christmas Lessons and Carols This year this service with also be a Live Streamed service; we will not celebrate the Eucharist but rather will read the scriptures and sing carols in our homes.  This service will be live-streamed on Sunday, December 27th at 11 am. We hope you will join us!
The Morning Prayer service at St. Matthew on Dec 6th will be officiated by Dick Martin and will be live-streamed at 11 am.  The Morning Prayer service at St. Matthew on Dec 13th will be officiated by Virginia Hooper and will be live-streamed at 11 a.m.

Two reminders from the Rev. Art Turnbull
1.  In January the Food Bank will be hungry once again.
Non-perishable food collected at St. Matthew will be accumulated from
now until mid-January.  Please include the food bank in your
generosity as we approach the Christmas season.

2.  Donations to the flower fund at Christmas are a good way to
remember loved ones.  Make an offering in your regular envelope or
contribution, marked "Flower Fund".  If you are doing so in memory of
particular people, include their name(s). The fund is used over the
entire year, keeping the sanctuary adorned for the glory of God.  
Advent blessings,