Dear Friends,
Happy Epiphany! Happy Orthodox Christmas Eve (Jan 7th)! We have survived a rainy introduction to the new year; I hope you've all managed to avoid wet basements and other wet inconveniences. It will be interesting to see what the rest of the winter brings.
On Saturday, Jan 9th at 11 a.m. we will be live streaming the Memorial service for Melissa Marche. Melissa passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Dec 30th and is survived by her mother Rose Rourke, her husband, Harold, and two six-year-old girls, Arabella and Olivia. You are invited to view this service via the live stream button on our website; in-person attendance is limited to immediate family. Please keep the family in prayer and thank-you for your support of them thus far! You are wonderful!
As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Christ's Baptism this coming Sunday we await word from our provincial health officer regarding when we might expect in-person worship service to resume. Judging by the response I got from the synod office last week, it may not be till sometime in March; I guess we'll find out on Friday.
This week we resume our online Spiritual Formation offerings including our Bible Study on Tuesdays (6:30); Compline on Wednesdays (fellowship at 8:30; prayer at 9:00 pm).
We had hoped to offer a Centering Prayer book study on Wednesday evening at 7 pm facilitated by Ruth Jackson but unfortunately, we didn't get enough people signing up. I have ordered 5 copies of "Open Heart, Open Mind" by Thomas Keating. A couple of you have requested copies, I'll pass them out once they come. I'll also offer a modified version of the study and practice to take place Wednesdays at 7 pm. I'll keep you posted and look forward to going through this material with those interested.
Starting on Thursday, January 14th, we will be offering "Simply Christian II" hosted by Richard (Dick) Martin and others, here's an announcement pased on by Dick:
Simply Christians II
Our Simply Christians group met through the Fall to study and discuss Tom Wrights Simply Christian videos. We will begin to meet again on Thursday 14th at 7pm to see a number of study videos including some from Toronto Diocese.
Topic: Simply Christian II (starting Jan 14th)
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 970 2243 0394