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Sunday, November 22, 2015 is known as the Reign of Christ Sunday, the last Sunday before the start of Advent and the new church year.  November 22 is also "Pledge Sunday" as the six-week Diocesan Stewardship campaign, Draw Near to God, draws to a close.  

Link to the Propers for November 22, 2015

Link to the Stewardship section of our St. Matthew website.

If you are on the Parish roll, you should have received postal mail with a pledge form to bring to church for the service on November 22.  Please consider using pre-authorized donations.

If you are not on the Parish roll and would like to be, to enable envelope giving and tax-deductible charitable giving receipts, please see our Treasurer, Kerri Onken, or one of the Wardens, who will be able to help you.